Connecting Your Business to Tomorrow’s Clients

LeadGen, as a service offering of POC, positions itself as a specialized and dedicated arm in the field of lead generation. The name LeadGen succinctly communicates the primary service offering – generating leads – while the association with POC underlines the company’s expertise and commitment to providing Point of Care at every customer touchpoint.

The Problem: Challenges in Lead Generation

Lead generation is a vital component of any business’s growth strategy, yet many companies struggle to effectively generate and convert leads. These challenges are reflected in recent statistics:

  • 91% of marketers say that lead generation is their most important goal (Ruler Analytics)​​.
  • 53% of marketers spend at least half of their budget on lead generation, underscoring its significance in their overall marketing strategy (Ruler Analytics)​​.
  • Despite these efforts, 97% of people ignore traditional generic cold calls (Business Wire via Zipwhip)​​, highlighting the diminishing effectiveness of traditional outbound lead generation strategies.
  • Additionally, 37% of marketers stated that generating high-quality leads was one of their biggest challenges (Ruler Analytics)​​.
  • Content marketing stands out as the dominant channel for lead generation, accounting for over half of the lead acquisition methods (Databox)​​.

The data indicates that while lead generation is a top priority, traditional methods are losing their effectiveness, and businesses need innovative approaches to attract and convert high-quality leads.

Our Solution: LeadGen – a lead generation service of POC

LeadGen addresses these challenges with a suite of services designed to generate high-quality leads and nurture them through to conversion:

  1. Strategic Cold Lead Generation: Utilizing advanced internet research techniques, we identify potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.
  2. Customized Email Outreach: We create personalized email campaigns that resonate with each lead, increasing the likelihood of engagement.
  3. Content Creation for Thought Leadership: By producing insightful blog posts and articles, we help establish your brand as a leader in your industry, attracting organic traffic and establishing credibility.
  4. Integration with Sales Teams: We ensure a seamless handover of leads to your sales team, equipped with detailed information to effectively engage with these prospects.

The Outcome: A Picture of Success

Imagine a future where your business consistently attracts high-quality leads. With LeadGen, you can expect:

  • A steady stream of leads that are well-aligned with your business offerings.
  • Higher engagement rates thanks to personalized and relevant communication.
  • Enhanced brand authority and visibility through expertly crafted blog content.
  • A more efficient sales process, with a higher conversion rate of leads to customers. We will augment your team in lead generation.

Engage with LeadGen Today

Are you ready to transform your lead generation process and achieve sustainable growth for your business?

“What could your business achieve with a steady stream of high-quality leads?”

Contact us now to schedule a meeting and discover how LeadGen can revolutionize your lead generation efforts.